Whitehaven real estate market report

Real Estate Stats & Sold House Prices in Whitehaven

Statistics for the last 90 Days ending September 17, 2024 in Whitehaven

There were 3 homes sold in Whitehaven in the last 3 months, with an average price of $1,135,667, that's an increase of 12.6% over the same period last year and includes all house types.

Related Page: Whitehaven homes for sale

Statistics for 2023 in Whitehaven

There were 12 homes sold in Whitehaven in 2023, with an average price of $941,528, that's a decrease of 12.5% over the previous year, this includes all house types.

What is the average price for a home in Whitehaven, by type of property in 2023?

  • Single Family House average price was $999,822
  • Bungalow average price was $824,680
  • Townhouse average price was $766,645

Whitehaven Historical Home Prices, with Percentage change over Previous Year.

Year # Sales Average Price % Change
2000 16 $214,078  
2001 21 $225,357 5.3%
2002 18 $312,472 38.6%
2003 14 $308,786 -1.2%
2004 10 $324,790 5.2%
2005 24 $389,700 20.0%
2006 9 $366,178 -6.4%
2007 9 $379,611 3.7%
2008 14 $416,213 9.6%
2009 23 $442,509 6.3%
2010 14 $515,857 16.6%
2011 13 $570,531 10.6%
2012 20 $558,633 2.1%
2013 17 $478,529 -16.7%
2014 16 $604,550 26.3%
2015 13 $640,269 5.9%
2016 14 $638,143 -0.3%
2017 21 $764,010 19.7%
2018 14 $744,457 -2.6%
2019 24 $788,017 5.9%
2020 15 $854,487 8.4%
2021 13 $1,296,303 51.7%
2022 10 $1,075,550 -17%
2023 12 $941,528 -12.5%

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Whitehaven home evaluation

There are only a small number of homes selling every year in the Whitehaven neighbourhood, so this can easily skew the numbers, when you look at the % change in 2002, 2005 and 2014, owing to a couple of higher-end homes selling in one particular year. Only 13 homes sold in 2015 and 2021, however, the average selling price has doubled from $640K to $1.2M.

About Whitehaven

Whitehaven is a trendy and rather peaceful neighbourhood built in the 50s, with both larger and smaller lots, to suit your lifestyle. You'll find older architecture and modern masterpieces. 

This neighbourhood is located south of Carling Avenue, north of the Queensway, east of Woodroffe and west of Pinecrest.

There are approximately 2,400 residents with a median age of about 53 years old and about 40% have children living at home.

It is well serviced by the OC Transpo with routes running through the area and a station in the south of the neighbourhood.

Shopping and Services:

Whitehaven has the convenience of many amenities, including proximity to Carlingwood Mall and IKEA, and loads of services along Carling Avenue.

Restaurants in the area:

  • Biagio's Italian Kitchen
  • Pookie's Thai
  • Capone's Italian Bistro
  • Garlic & Onion (Lebanese Shawarma)
  • Cora's

Schools include:

  • Woodroffe High School
  • D. Roy Kennedy Public School (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8)