See how house prices have changed in Rural South-West Ottawa

comparing house prices in rural areas south west from Ottawa

These stats are for the last 3 months ending March 6, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

We've taken a selection of rural south-west neighbourhoods just outside of Ottawa to show you how much homes are selling for and how these prices compare to the rest of Ottawa.

  • Most Sales: Carleton Place had 29 sales in the last 3 months
  • Highest Average Selling Prices: Richmond saw average prices of $709,252
  • Largest Price Increases: There were no average price increases in these areas.
  • Fastest Sales: Richmond homes sold on average in 30 days

Highest and Lowest home sale in the Rural South-West Outskirts of Ottawa

  • Highest Selling Price: Richmond Village 2-Storey, 3-bed, 3-bath home sold for $895,000
  • Lowest Selling Price: Smiths Falls Detached 2-Storey, 3-Bed, 2-bath home sold for $200,000

Notable Statistics for the surrounding Rural South-West Outskirts

Of the 82 homes sold to the South-West of Ottawa over the last 3 months:

  • The average selling price was $529,556, selling in 44 days
  • 36 sold for $500K or less, and none sold for $1M or more
  • All 5 neighbourhoods saw average price decreases

Click on any neighbourhood to see more information as well as the history of house prices for that area. DN = District Neighbourhood Code.

Carleton Place (DN 909)

The average house price in Carleton Place is $524,866, a decrease of 21%. There were 29 home sales versus 51 last year and it took an average of 42 days for homes to sell versus 26 days last year.

Drummond North Elmsley (DN 903,908)

The average house price in Drummond/North Elmsley is $584,764, a decrease of 15.5%. There were 11 home sales versus 26 last year and it took an average of 55 days for homes to sell versus 29 days last year.

Perth (DN 907)

The average house price in Perth is $451,111, a decrease of 16.4% over 2021. There were 9 home sales versus 11 last year and it took an average of 54 days for homes to sell versus 23 days last year.

Richmond (DN 8204)

The average house price in Richmond is $709,252, a decrease of 23.5%. There were 15 home sales versus 19 last year and it took an average of 30 days for homes to sell versus 9 days last year.

Smiths Falls (DN 901)

The average house price in Smiths Falls is $392,850, a decrease of 25.4%. There were 18 home sales versus 84 last year and it took an average of 46 days for homes to sell versus 22 days last year.

For more information about any neighbourhood in Ottawa or to see the full history of house prices, visit this link.

Market Reports for all neighbourhoods