Compare house prices and sales, see how they've changed in Orleans Neighbourhoods

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Comparing neighbourhoods in Orleans for the last 3 months till September 24th, 2024, compared with same period last year.

There were 387 home sales in all neighbourhoods in Orleans in the last 90 days.  Average prices increased in 4 Neighbourhoods and decreased in 7.

Notable statistics for Orleans Neighbourhoods

  • Most Sales were in Avalon which saw 111 homes sell
  • Highest Average Selling Prices are in Cardinal Creek, at $818,080
  • Largest Price Increases were in Fallingbrook, up 11.8%

Click on any Orleans neighbourhood to see more information as well as the history of house prices for that area. DN = District Neighbourhood Code

Avalon, Nottingate, Springridge (DN 1117, 1118, 1119)

There were 111 homes sold in the Avalon, Nottingate and Springridge neighbourhoods and the average price was $661,679, an increase of 5.3%.

Bradley Estates/Mer Bleue/Anderson Park (DN 2013)

There were 36 homes sold in the Chatelaine Village neighbourhood and the average price was $625,950, a decrease of 11.6%.

Chapel Hill/Chapel Hill South (DN 2008,2009,2012)

There were 39 homes sold in the Chapel Hill North and South neighbourhoods and the average price was $720,217, a decrease of 3.8%.

Convent Glen (DN 2001-2007)

There were 64 homes sold in the Convent Glen neighbourhood and the average price was $553,815, a decrease of 3.8%.

Chateauneuf (DN 2010)

There were 23 homes sold in the Chateauneuf neighbourhood and the average price was $617,796, a decrease of 7.1%.

home evaluation for Orleans

Chatelaine Village (DN 1101)

There were 19 homes sold in the Chatelaine Village neighbourhood and the average price was $550,100, a decrease of 0.2%.

Cardinal Creek and Camelot (DN 1110)

There were 15 homes sold in the Cardinal Creek and Camelot neighbourhoods and the average price was $818,080, a decrease of 11.7%.

Queenswood Heights/Billberry Creek (DN 1104,1102)

There were 29 homes sold in the Queenswood Heights and Bilberry Creek neighbourhoods and the average price was $595,614, an increase of 9.9%.

Fallingbrook/Pineridge/Gardenway/Ridgemount (DN 1106,1105,1103)

There were 88 homes sold in the Fallingbrook, Pineridge, Garenway and Ridgemount neighbourhoods and the average price was $678,613, an increase of 11.8%.

Orleans Village/Sunridge (DN 2011)

There were 5 homes sold in the Orleans Village and Sunridge neighbourhoods and the average price was $650,860, an decrease of 6.1%.

Springridge / East Village (1107)

There were 14 homes sold in the Springridge and East Village neighbourhoods and the average price is $690,779, that's an increase of 5.4%.

For more information about any neighbourhood in Ottawa or to see the full history of house prices, visit the link below.

Market Reports for all neighbourhoods