Central Ottawa Triplex Financial breakdown

This property is located in Central Ottawa, with one 1-bedroom units and two 2-bedroom units. The property was listed for $879,000 and sold for $835,000

  • Scheduled Rental Income was $53,340
  • Effective Rental Income was $51,740
  • Operating expenses of $12,748
  • Total Operating Expenses, with 10% for maintenance/management $17,922
  • Net operating income of $33,818
  • Cap Rate was 4.05%
  • Operating Expense Ratio was 34.6%
  • Sold for 16 times the Gross Income
  • Sold for 25 times the Net Income

With a 44% down payment of $367,400, this leaves a mortgage of $467,600. At a 5.2% rate, amortized over 25 years, the monthly mortgage payment would be $2,774, for an Annual Debt Service of $33,288 (this is the annual mortgage payment).

The final cash flow on this building was $530 and the ROI (return on investment) was 0.14%.