See how house prices have changed in Central Ottawa

Central Ottawa Neighbourhood average house price comparison

These stats are for the last 3 months ending January 9, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

  • Most Sales: 46 homes sold in Centretown
  • Highest Average Selling Price: $1,102,748 in the Glebe
  • Largest Price Increase: 30.6% in Mechanicsville
  • Fastest Sales: average of 18 days on market in Mechanicsville

Most and Least expensive home sale in Central Ottawa

  • Highest Selling Price: $2,425,000 2-Bed, 3-Bath, Condo in the Glebe
  • Lowest Selling Price: $264,900 1-bed, 1-bath, Condo Apt. in Centretown

Notable Numbers for Central Neighbourhoods

Of the 167 homes sold in the last 3 months:

  • The average selling price was $680,610 with 33 days on market
  • Of these, 64 sold for under $500K, while 22 sold for over $1M
  • The average home price decreased in 4 neighbourhoods and it increased in 7

More Comprehensive Stats for each Neighbourhood

Click on any Central Ottawa neighbourhood to see more information as well as the history of house prices for that area. DN = District Neighbourhood Code

Centretown (DN 4101-4103)

The average house price in Centretown was $478,185, a decrease of 9% over 2022. There were 46 home sales in Centretown versus 109 last year and it took an average of 32 days for homes to sell versus 28 days last year.

Golden Triangle (DN 4104)

The average house price in the Golden Triangle was $649,225, an increase of 4.5% over 2022. There were 8 home sales in Golden Triangle versus 10 last year and it took an average of 22 days for homes to sell versus 6 days last year.

Glebe (DN 4401,4402,4501)

The average house price in The Glebe was $1,102,748, an increase of 13.3% over 2022. There were 21 home sales in Glebe versus 27 last year and it took an average of 30 days for homes to sell versus 16 days last year.

Hintonburg (DN 4202,4203)

The average house price in Hintonburg was $692,565, a decrease of 15.6% over 2022. There were 17 home sales in Hintonburg and 12 last year and it took an average of 43 days for homes to sell versus 34 days last year.

Lower Town ByWard Market (DN 4001,4002)

The average house price in Lowertown and ByWard Market was $560,967, an increase of 5.4% over 2022. There were 15 home sales in Lower Town versus 37 last year and it took an average of 37 days for homes to sell versus 26 days last year.

Old Ottawa South (DN 4403,4404)

The average house price in Old Ottawa South was $837,475, a decrease of 24.3% over 2022. There were 4 home sales in Old Ottawa South versus 12 last year and it took an average of 69 days for homes to sell versus 24 days last year.

Sandy Hill (DN 4003,4004)

The average house price in Sandy Hill was $602,915, a decrease of 6.8% over 2022. There were 13 home sales in Sandy Hill versus 42 last year and it took an average of 37 days for homes to sell versus 34 days last year.

Old Ottawa East (DN 4405-4408)

The average house price in Old Ottawa East was $906,750, an increase of 1.2% over 2022. There were 10 home sales in Old Ottawa East versus 22 last year and it took an average of 39 days for homes to sell versus 29 days last year.

Glebe Annex, Civic Hospital (DN 4502-4504)

The average house price in Glebe Annex was $761,974, an increase of 26.5% over 2022. There were 17 home sales in Glebe Annex versus 14 last year and it took an average of 26 days for homes to sell versus 21 days last year.

Mechanicsville (DN 4201)

The average house price in Mechanicsville was $529,667, an increase of 30.6% over 2022. There were 6 home sales in Mechanicsville versus 11 last year and it took an average of 18 days for homes to sell versus 24 days last year.

West Centretown, Little Italy, Lebreton Flats (DN 4204, 4205)

The average house price in West Centretown was $673,890, an increase of 18.6% over 2022. There were 10 home sales in West Centretown versus 12 last year and it took an average of 20 days for homes to sell versus 24 days last year.

For more information about any neighbourhood in Ottawa or to see the full history of house prices, see the link below.

Market Reports for all neighbourhoods