Compare home sales and prices in Barrhaven's Neighbourhoods and see how they are changing
Comparing neighbourhoods in Barrhaven for the last 3 months ending August 28th, 2024 compared to the same period last year.
There were 314 home sales in all Barrhaven's neighbourhoods in the last 90 days and the average price increased in 4 neighbourhoods and decreased in 7.
Notable Statistics in Barrhaven
- Most Sales were in Longfields where 72 homes sold
- Highest Average Selling Prices were in Orchard Estates at $1,550,000
- Largest Price Increases were in Strandherd which saw an increase of 11%
Click on any Barrhaven neighbourhood to see more information as well as the history of house prices for that area. DN = District Neighbourhood Code.
Barrhaven, Cedargrove, Fraserdale (DN 7703)
There were 32 homes sold in Cedargrove in the last 3 months, with an average price of $687,775, that's an decrease of 5.7% over this same period last year and includes all home types
Chapman Mills/Davidson Heights (DN 7710)
There were 32 homes sold in Chapman Mills, with an average price of $692,056, that's a decrease of 3.7%.
Half Moon Bay (DN 7711)
There were 54 homes sold in Half Moon Bay, with an average price of $720,554, that's an increase of 3.9%.
Hearts Desire (DN 7707)
There were 4 homes sold in Hearts Desire, with an average price of $723,000, that's a decrease of 66%.
Knollsbrook (DN 7702)
There were 6 homes sold in Knollsbrook, with an average price of $474,983, that's a decrease of 17.8%.
Cedar Hill/Orchard Estates (DN 7806)
There was 1 home sold in Orchard Estates, with an average price of $1,550,000, that's a decrease of 4.7%.
Longfields (DN 7706)
There were 72 homes sold in Longfields, with an average price of $618,800, that's an increase of 0.2%.
Barrhaven on the Green (DN 7705,7704)
There were 24 homes sold in Barrhaven on the Green/Heritage Park, with an average price of $638,121, that's an increase of 3.7%.
Barrhaven: Pheasant Run (DN 7701)
There were 27 homes sold in Pheasant Run, with an average price of $533,151, that's an decrease of 3.8%.
Stonebridge (DN 7708)
There were 31 homes sold in Stonebridge, with an average price of $773,973, that's a decrease of 7.5%.
Strandherd (DN 7709)
There were 31 homes sold in Strandherd, with an average price of $621,948, that's an increase of 11%.
For more information about any neighbourhood in Ottawa or to see the full history of house prices, visit the link below.